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An effort to ensure that Ray/Neela are together at the series finale of ER
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 Top Three!

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Number of posts : 1012
Registration date : 2007-06-08

Top Three! Empty
PostSubject: Top Three!   Top Three! EmptySun May 03, 2009 12:44 am

For ER, please let us know your:

1. Top three episodes
2. Top three characters
3. Top three seasons
4. Top three couples
5. Top three scenes
6. Top three lease favorite episodes
7. Top three least favorite characters
8. Top three least favorite couples
9. Top three least favorite scenes
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Number of posts : 1171
Age : 38
Localisation : Indiana
Registration date : 2008-10-28

Top Three! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Top Three!   Top Three! EmptySun May 03, 2009 4:32 am

Admin wrote:
For ER, please let us know your:

1. Top three episodes
2. Top three characters
3. Top three seasons
4. Top three couples
5. Top three scenes
6. Top three lease favorite episodes
7. Top three least favorite characters
8. Top three least favorite couples
9. Top three least favorite scenes

1. Top three episodes: Hmm, just three? That'll be a tough one, Haunted is my all-time favorite episode of the roomies, it gives fans alot of what we always lacked to see with the roomies so it made it absolutely perfect in alot of ways, On the beach, Mark greene's death, that episode still gives me the chills and makes me cry like none other, The book of Abby, that episode really touched me, it was saying goodbye to one of my favorite characters but in a good way, her storyline had finished.

2. Top Three Characters: This also is a tough one, I have MANY favorites, I'd say Ray, Neela and Abby, these three always rocked their scenes together however reela was the newer ER, Old ER, I'd say Mark greene, Corday, Weaver etc..

3. Top Three Seasons: Hmm, 6(Was a really intense season with the stabbings of Carter and Lucy), 8 was just so very heartbreaking to lose Mark Greene, 11 because it introduced the roomies. <3

4. Top Three Couples: This is an easy one, Reela, Luby and Mark and Elizabeth, I loved these three SOOO much, altho mark and elizabeth didnt end up lasting, they had four incredible seasons together as Marzy. Reela, you know why I love em, how can you not? Luby- what a beautiful pair. Archie and Claudia were my fourth, I liked them ALOT but I didnt get enough to love them yet....

5. Top Three Scenes? The reunion hug in Haunted, OMG, its just absolutely wonderful <3 Swifting Equilbrium, Neela going to Ray, her face was priceless, I feel good, the video chat of the reela, i absolutely loved that <3

6. Top three least favorite episodes: Hmm, I dont, I USED to love this episode, I do in a way b/c of Luby marrying but it ruined the whole episode b/c of how tortured ray was and he ended up getting hit by a truck </3, The honeymoon is over, OMG, that episode is way too brutal Sad I forget the name of the episode but Ray sees Tony and Neela getting on the table, EW and more ew and so heartbreaking.

7. Top three least favorite characters: Tony Gates, Simon Brenner, Katey

8. Top three least favorite couples: Well I take comfort in knowing that they're not couples now but I'd say Tony and Neela, Simon and Neela and Ray and Katey

9. Top three least favorite scenes: The sex scene with Gates and Neela, Love is a battlefield, Neela telling Brenner she likes him and wants to be with him, Dream runner, the GROSS sex scene/dream of Brenner and Neela.
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Number of posts : 304
Age : 33
Registration date : 2008-07-30

Top Three! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Top Three!   Top Three! EmptySun May 03, 2009 5:13 pm

1. Top three episodes
Shifting Equilibrium b/c Reela was finally together. Then haunted b/c it gave us a lot of Reela. The 3rd is The Book of Abby b/c this was a great epsiode that let Abby leave in a great way. It was just perfect!

2. Top three characters
This is hard b/c I loved so many of them. I'd have to say Ray, Neela, and Mark Greene.

3. Top three seasons
Season 12 b/c Roomie love started to grow, Season 6 b/c Lucy was in it and I loved her, and Season 13 b/c a lot of tension arose b/t Reela (the end of season 13 of course was not good since Ray left, but the rest was interesting)

4. Top three couples
Well of course Reela is my #1, then Mark Greene and Corday, and even though Lucy and Carter never really dated I must say they are my number 3. I loved how he didn't want to admit he liked her, but we all knew he did. Too bad she died.

5. Top three scenes
The first Reela kiss, The last scene in Shifting Equilibrium when Neela goes to be with Ray, and the scene when mark is dying and he's talking to Rachel and Corday--that was sad but a great scene.

6. Top three least favorite episodes
I Don't b/c Ray gets hit by a truck. The eppy Lucy and Carter gets stabbed makes me cry everytime. And I don't remember the name of this eppy, but the one in which Brenner and Neela become an official couple. I wanted to gag!!

7. Top three least favorite characters
Katey, Simon Brenner--esp when he was going after Neela, and Dr. Chen b/c I found her annoying and pointless. Sorry.

8. Top three least favorite couples
Of course anybody with Ray or Neela besides each other. So: Simon and Neela, Gates and Neela, and Ray and Katey

9. Top three least favorite scenes
I Don't--when Ray gets hit by a truck. The Honeymoon is over--the look on Ray's face in the hospital bed when he's talking to Neela is sooooo heartbreaking. And the scene when Pratt is annouced dead and everybody is watching him get rolled away. That was a good eppy i guess, but sooo sad and i hate that they killed off Pratt.
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