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An effort to ensure that Ray/Neela are together at the series finale of ER
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 Ray and Neela "Far Away"

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5 posters


Number of posts : 645
Registration date : 2009-01-18

Ray and Neela "Far Away" Empty
PostSubject: Ray and Neela "Far Away"   Ray and Neela "Far Away" EmptyMon Oct 12, 2009 8:04 pm

Here is the 3rd and final part of my video!! I hope you like it!! Wow, it's been a tough ride, but I'm glad that I was finally able to finish these. I had no clue how much WORK goes into making a video, phew. I just want to say to all you ones that make fanvids, you have my complete respect, so this one's for you!!! Ray and Neela "Far Away" Icon_cheers

Neela and Ray "Far Away"

For those of you who haven't watch the other two parts yet, here they are.....




"Love Hurts"

Last edited by babyblue on Tue Oct 13, 2009 5:35 am; edited 3 times in total
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Number of posts : 539
Age : 33
Localisation : Northern Ireland
Registration date : 2008-06-08

Ray and Neela "Far Away" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray and Neela "Far Away"   Ray and Neela "Far Away" EmptyMon Oct 12, 2009 8:17 pm

Great vid babyblue!
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Number of posts : 645
Registration date : 2009-01-18

Ray and Neela "Far Away" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray and Neela "Far Away"   Ray and Neela "Far Away" EmptyMon Oct 12, 2009 8:22 pm

Sammy wrote:
Great vid babyblue!

Thanks Sammy!! I couldn't have done it without you, thanks again!! Very Happy

We really do go on at the EXACT same time, don't we? lol
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Number of posts : 539
Age : 33
Localisation : Northern Ireland
Registration date : 2008-06-08

Ray and Neela "Far Away" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray and Neela "Far Away"   Ray and Neela "Far Away" EmptyMon Oct 12, 2009 9:05 pm

babyblue wrote:
Sammy wrote:
Great vid babyblue!

Thanks Sammy!! I couldn't have done it without you, thanks again!! Very Happy

We really do go on at the EXACT same time, don't we? lol

LOL, great minds think alike!
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Number of posts : 153
Registration date : 2009-02-04

Ray and Neela "Far Away" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray and Neela "Far Away"   Ray and Neela "Far Away" EmptyMon Oct 12, 2009 9:47 pm

Hey Babyblue - ace video and really good quality as I'd say in my job that's two jolly thumbs up and 5 stars.

And Sammy you are one whizz and totally awesome too.

Very Happy Very Happy
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Number of posts : 645
Registration date : 2009-01-18

Ray and Neela "Far Away" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray and Neela "Far Away"   Ray and Neela "Far Away" EmptyMon Oct 12, 2009 10:38 pm

KG wrote:
Hey Babyblue - ace video and really good quality as I'd say in my job that's two jolly thumbs up and 5 stars.

And Sammy you are one whizz and totally awesome too.

Very Happy Very Happy

Aww thanks so much KG!!! I'm so glad you liked it!

And about Sammy, I second that!! You are definitely an awesome artiste!! You too, KG!!
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Number of posts : 539
Age : 33
Localisation : Northern Ireland
Registration date : 2008-06-08

Ray and Neela "Far Away" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray and Neela "Far Away"   Ray and Neela "Far Away" EmptyTue Oct 13, 2009 1:02 am

Thanks KG and babyblue *blushes* You two are great artists aswell...and you're stories are fantastic!
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Number of posts : 645
Registration date : 2009-01-18

Ray and Neela "Far Away" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray and Neela "Far Away"   Ray and Neela "Far Away" EmptyTue Oct 13, 2009 5:39 am

Sammy wrote:
Thanks KG and babyblue *blushes* You two are great artists aswell...and you're stories are fantastic!

You're welcome!! Aww, thank you so much Sammy! It's so much fun to do all these videos and write fanfics. I'm always trying to get better, especially with my writing.
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Number of posts : 539
Age : 33
Localisation : Northern Ireland
Registration date : 2008-06-08

Ray and Neela "Far Away" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray and Neela "Far Away"   Ray and Neela "Far Away" EmptyTue Oct 13, 2009 2:13 pm

babyblue wrote:
Sammy wrote:
Thanks KG and babyblue *blushes* You two are great artists aswell...and you're stories are fantastic!

You're welcome!! Aww, thank you so much Sammy! It's so much fun to do all these videos and write fanfics. I'm always trying to get better, especially with my writing.

You're welcome Smile I have to say each chapter you write just gets better and better!
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Number of posts : 645
Registration date : 2009-01-18

Ray and Neela "Far Away" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray and Neela "Far Away"   Ray and Neela "Far Away" EmptyTue Oct 13, 2009 7:26 pm

Sammy wrote:
babyblue wrote:
Sammy wrote:
Thanks KG and babyblue *blushes* You two are great artists aswell...and you're stories are fantastic!

You're welcome!! Aww, thank you so much Sammy! It's so much fun to do all these videos and write fanfics. I'm always trying to get better, especially with my writing.

You're welcome Smile I have to say each chapter you write just gets better and better!

Thanks Sammy!! That's usually what I try to do, make each chapeter better than the last. You're chapters are always great! Yours, too, KG!
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Number of posts : 153
Registration date : 2009-02-04

Ray and Neela "Far Away" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray and Neela "Far Away"   Ray and Neela "Far Away" EmptyTue Oct 13, 2009 9:05 pm

Aaaw you're too sweet - both of you.
My chapters are not exactly posted anywhere. I really need to sort that out but I have no time for it. I'm snowed under with so much planning and marking. Hols are coming up soon - so maybe then.

Can't wait to see more of your stuff!!!!! Smile Smile Smile
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Number of posts : 645
Registration date : 2009-01-18

Ray and Neela "Far Away" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray and Neela "Far Away"   Ray and Neela "Far Away" EmptyTue Oct 13, 2009 11:44 pm

KG wrote:
Aaaw you're too sweet - both of you.
My chapters are not exactly posted anywhere. I really need to sort that out but I have no time for it. I'm snowed under with so much planning and marking. Hols are coming up soon - so maybe then.

Can't wait to see more of your stuff!!!!! Smile Smile Smile

Thanks KG! Can't wait to read the next chapter of your fic!! Same goes for you, Sammy!
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Number of posts : 1012
Registration date : 2007-06-08

Ray and Neela "Far Away" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray and Neela "Far Away"   Ray and Neela "Far Away" EmptyWed Oct 14, 2009 1:59 am

great job!!
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Number of posts : 157
Age : 44
Localisation : England
Registration date : 2009-02-01

Ray and Neela "Far Away" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray and Neela "Far Away"   Ray and Neela "Far Away" EmptyFri Oct 16, 2009 2:57 pm

Great job cheers
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Number of posts : 645
Registration date : 2009-01-18

Ray and Neela "Far Away" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray and Neela "Far Away"   Ray and Neela "Far Away" EmptySat Oct 17, 2009 1:20 am

Thanks so much Caro and Admin!!
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Ray and Neela "Far Away" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray and Neela "Far Away"   Ray and Neela "Far Away" Empty

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Ray and Neela "Far Away"
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