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 John Stamos Possible New Role

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Number of posts : 530
Age : 51
Localisation : North Carolina
Registration date : 2007-06-08

John Stamos Possible New Role Empty
PostSubject: John Stamos Possible New Role   John Stamos Possible New Role EmptyWed Jun 09, 2010 12:01 pm

According to Ausiello, it seems John Stamos is most and likely going to be cast in a recurring role on Glee. He is playing a character that will come between the very popular pairing of Will and Emma. Does that sound familiar to you guys? Here's hoping they don't have Will end up getting run over by a truck and losing both legs.

Here's the link to the article:
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Number of posts : 1171
Age : 38
Localisation : Indiana
Registration date : 2008-10-28

John Stamos Possible New Role Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Stamos Possible New Role   John Stamos Possible New Role EmptyThu Jun 10, 2010 8:24 am

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Number of posts : 530
Age : 51
Localisation : North Carolina
Registration date : 2007-06-08

John Stamos Possible New Role Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Stamos Possible New Role   John Stamos Possible New Role EmptyThu Jun 10, 2010 5:12 pm

That didn't come out right. I meant in a sarcastic manner and not to be mean or anything.

I actually don't mind that he is joining the cast, I just found it highly ironic that he is once again playing a another character that is coming between a very popular ship on another television show.
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Number of posts : 1171
Age : 38
Localisation : Indiana
Registration date : 2008-10-28

John Stamos Possible New Role Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Stamos Possible New Role   John Stamos Possible New Role EmptyFri Jun 11, 2010 2:25 am

dshortklutz wrote:
That didn't come out right. I meant in a sarcastic manner and not to be mean or anything.

I actually don't mind that he is joining the cast, I just found it highly ironic that he is once again playing a another character that is coming between a very popular ship on another television show.

he always seems to be the guy who gets in between a popular pair -_-
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Number of posts : 1012
Registration date : 2007-06-08

John Stamos Possible New Role Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Stamos Possible New Role   John Stamos Possible New Role EmptySun Jun 13, 2010 9:58 pm

haha...I really like Glee, but John Stamos just grates on me...of course, I'm not a huge fan of Will-Emma, so I can take him for a little bit.
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Number of posts : 539
Age : 33
Localisation : Northern Ireland
Registration date : 2008-06-08

John Stamos Possible New Role Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Stamos Possible New Role   John Stamos Possible New Role EmptyMon Jun 14, 2010 4:58 am

I actually stopped watching Glee a few episodes back cos it wasn't exciting me anymore (it was on Monday nights here and White Collar Wednesdays, and I found myself wishing it was wed. more and more) so I'm kind of glad I stopped lol

After reading some interviews of Johns I can't watch him at all - he just annoys me too much Razz
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John Stamos Possible New Role Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Stamos Possible New Role   John Stamos Possible New Role Empty

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