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 What's your least favorite Reela moment?

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Number of posts : 442
Registration date : 2008-04-10

What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your least favorite Reela moment?   What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 EmptyMon Apr 20, 2009 6:40 pm

^^ How did I miss this?? Is it on youtube, G? The whole I Don't/Honeymoon Is Over arc makes me soooo sad.
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Number of posts : 804
Registration date : 2007-10-30

What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your least favorite Reela moment?   What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 EmptyMon Apr 20, 2009 6:49 pm

Here it is along with other deleted scenes. It starts at about the 3:07 mark:
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Number of posts : 442
Registration date : 2008-04-10

What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your least favorite Reela moment?   What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 EmptyMon Apr 20, 2009 7:25 pm

Thanks, G. Maybe I did see this and just forgot about the Reela scene because I remember some of the other scenes here (like the women in the restroom and Jane being pregnant). Hmm. Yeah, the look on Ray's face is killer. Like sadness, betrayal, anger, regret all rolled into one.

And he watched her come in with Gates, all the while having that CD in his pocket. *sigh*
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Number of posts : 108
Localisation : England
Registration date : 2009-02-02

What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your least favorite Reela moment?   What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 EmptyMon Apr 20, 2009 7:31 pm

The deleted scene from I Dont is unfortunately not that clear on the youtube version. Dont know if you noticed G-Unit or anyone else that's seen the outtake but Ray makes a quick dart with his eyes over to Gates immediately after his and Neelas eyes lock, before fixing her eyes again- It looks like hes indicating he knows Gates is back in the picture and is questioning Neelas motives arriving with Gates. Then Neela responds with her I screwed up and I know how it must look response.
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Number of posts : 442
Registration date : 2008-04-10

What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your least favorite Reela moment?   What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 EmptyMon Apr 20, 2009 7:43 pm

Oh dang, I went through some of the other deleted scenes in that series and found this one where Ray sees Gates and Neela kiss. Ugh. I think this scene was cut in favor of the other one we got where Ray sees them make out (gross) in the exam room. I'd rather have gotten this one, IMO (less painful for my roomie heart). The scene after this shows how much it irritated Ray because he gives Gates a hard time as they examine a patient. Starts at 4:25.

ETA: Another depressing, but deleted, moment: Start at 7:23. up until Chuny's comment at 8:11.
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Number of posts : 804
Registration date : 2007-10-30

What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your least favorite Reela moment?   What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 EmptyMon Apr 20, 2009 8:20 pm

You know, after watching all those depressing scenes, I'm shocked that Ray really found it in his heart to even still want to be with Neela. I know that he would have always loved her regardless, but you've got to think that most guys would have packed it in after being in love with a woman, and being rewarded with a double amputation.
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Number of posts : 1171
Age : 38
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Registration date : 2008-10-28

What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your least favorite Reela moment?   What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 EmptyMon Apr 20, 2009 8:27 pm

g-unit wrote:
You know, after watching all those depressing scenes, I'm shocked that Ray really found it in his heart to even still want to be with Neela. I know that he would have always loved her regardless, but you've got to think that most guys would have packed it in after being in love with a woman, and being rewarded with a double amputation.

Yeah, I really wondered how ray would of been towards neela before we found out that he was returning, I always thought, hmm, is he going to remain bitter towards her or not but its true, ALOT of S. 13 broke my heart, seeing ray hurt like that, however.through it all, their bond was still intact, goes to show you, they can and will get through anything, i just thought it was funny that ray had such a funny look on his face in the video chat looking into the eyes of gates and brenner. haha... Laughing

in that moment, i was so amused....hehe..gate's bs still pisses me off.

but nonetheless, ray loved neela. so sweet.
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Number of posts : 160
Registration date : 2008-11-09

What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your least favorite Reela moment?   What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 EmptyMon Apr 20, 2009 11:26 pm

g-unit wrote:
You know, after watching all those depressing scenes, I'm shocked that Ray really found it in his heart to even still want to be with Neela. I know that he would have always loved her regardless, but you've got to think that most guys would have packed it in after being in love with a woman, and being rewarded with a double amputation.

You're so right. I think that's what adds to their love story: despite everything, despite all of the crap that Ray had gone through and vice versa - they still wanted to be with each other. It was what made the Roomie storyline true love - it continued on without logic and reason.

You don't really see love stories on tv like that anymore.
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Number of posts : 157
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What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your least favorite Reela moment?   What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 21, 2009 12:13 am

Hey you guys, just catching up, sorry I havent posted anything lately, had family over for a while...
I completely agree, it's not often that you see that sort of story where no matter what happens, and over such a long period of time, the feelings the characters have for each other remain so strong and present in the storyline. Also with Ray and Neela, they were always so much better when it was the 2 of them rather than each on their own, to me that's what made them so great. They always made more sense together, and even though they were both great characters in their own right the fact was that you couldn't help but feel that each of them was complete and made absolute sense when they were together.I loved that about them and their story, it's so rare when someone actually makes more sense when they're with another person rather than on their own. And if that's not real love then what is Very Happy ? Gosh I miss them!!
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Number of posts : 1171
Age : 38
Localisation : Indiana
Registration date : 2008-10-28

What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your least favorite Reela moment?   What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 21, 2009 1:09 am

Caro wrote:
Hey you guys, just catching up, sorry I havent posted anything lately, had family over for a while...
I completely agree, it's not often that you see that sort of story where no matter what happens, and over such a long period of time, the feelings the characters have for each other remain so strong and present in the storyline. Also with Ray and Neela, they were always so much better when it was the 2 of them rather than each on their own, to me that's what made them so great. They always made more sense together, and even though they were both great characters in their own right the fact was that you couldn't help but feel that each of them was complete and made absolute sense when they were together.I loved that about them and their story, it's so rare when someone actually makes more sense when they're with another person rather than on their own. And if that's not real love then what is Very Happy ? Gosh I miss them!!

i think its time for a reela marathon... Laughing
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Number of posts : 123
Registration date : 2009-02-02

What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your least favorite Reela moment?   What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 21, 2009 3:00 am

This thread (ironically, considering the subject) is making me crave a whole lot of fanfic, music videos and fanart. True love, indeed.
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Number of posts : 485
Registration date : 2008-11-06

What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your least favorite Reela moment?   What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 21, 2009 7:21 am

Agree with you guys - and to add to the "why Ray could come back to Neela" note, I think he realized, she wasn't the one that caused his accident. He was just as much to blame (if you can "blame" anyone, which is a bit futile anyway). It takes an adult to get to that place, and some serious thinking.

So his transformation out of the dark place he must have been in is so heroic, and makes him that much a better person to be able to go back to a loving place.

And on Neela's side, imagine the guilt she has had to give up. That's not trivial either.
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Number of posts : 645
Registration date : 2009-01-18

What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your least favorite Reela moment?   What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 21, 2009 9:51 am

Sandalwood wrote:
Oh dang, I went through some of the other deleted scenes in that series and found this one where Ray sees Gates and Neela kiss. Ugh. I think this scene was cut in favor of the other one we got where Ray sees them make out (gross) in the exam room. I'd rather have gotten this one, IMO (less painful for my roomie heart). The scene after this shows how much it irritated Ray because he gives Gates a hard time as they examine a patient. Starts at 4:25.

I didn't watch it but I believe that scene you're talking about is from City of Mercy, when Ray and Gates really butt heads for the first time. Also, Ray gives his "If you're making promises that you can't keep" speech. They should have kept it in, it explained why Ray was so pissed off the entire episode. I guess they felt that Shane already conveyed it well enough in his performance and he did but still. Not that I want more of Neela and Gates kissing or anything.
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Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2009-01-20

What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your least favorite Reela moment?   What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 21, 2009 10:55 am

The jukebox scene, where Neela tells Ray he won't have to wait long and she needed to figure it all out.
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Number of posts : 1171
Age : 38
Localisation : Indiana
Registration date : 2008-10-28

What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your least favorite Reela moment?   What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 21, 2009 6:20 pm

pezm wrote:
The jukebox scene, where Neela tells Ray he won't have to wait long and she needed to figure it all out.

that scene was showed them as friends but also a glimpse into more
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Number of posts : 160
Registration date : 2008-11-09

What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your least favorite Reela moment?   What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 21, 2009 6:28 pm

pezm wrote:
The jukebox scene, where Neela tells Ray he won't have to wait long and she needed to figure it all out.

What always kind of got to me was how cool ray seemed about the whole situation. It was such a typical guy thing. He always just sat back and let her make her own decisions, no matter how poor the chances were. Maybe it was his faith in what they had or what - but he rarely ever pressured her.

Now compare that with, say, Katey persuing Ray. Katey always made the snide comments, tended to whine. I'm sure it was just a contrast between males and females being interested, but still. Ray always just played it cool.

It's like he just knew that they were meant to be together.
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Number of posts : 64
Registration date : 2009-02-17

What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your least favorite Reela moment?   What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 21, 2009 6:35 pm

I think that Ray just knew how to "play the game". He knew how to appear available and interested without seeming too needy and obsessive. He also wanted Neela to want him as much as he wanted her. He needed her to make a move toward him and own the decision to be together for herself.
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Number of posts : 1171
Age : 38
Localisation : Indiana
Registration date : 2008-10-28

What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your least favorite Reela moment?   What's your least favorite Reela moment? - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 21, 2009 6:45 pm

Ray was a play it cool type until his feelings for Neela got too intense, I wouldnt exactly be too thrilled seeing the guy I loved going after another girl..

however after some time passed, he regained his play it cool attitude, he had to until neela made that move to BR
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