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 Making a video

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Number of posts : 645
Registration date : 2009-01-18

Making a video Empty
PostSubject: Making a video   Making a video EmptyFri May 01, 2009 10:37 am

Not entirely sure if this is where to post this but, I was just wondering if all you lovely people who make videos could offer your words of wisdom for me. After I finish the last chapter of my fanfic, I want to try and make my very first Reela video!!

I just want to know the basics you know, how to make a video, what program you guys suggest to make a video, where you usually go to download your clips, how you edit them for the video, what you have to do to make sure there's no copyright infringement so as not to get deleted....things like that, and any other suggestions you might want to offer would also be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks!!
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