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An effort to ensure that Ray/Neela are together at the series finale of ER
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 back to 2 episodes!

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5 posters

Number of posts : 160
Registration date : 2008-11-09

back to 2 episodes! Empty
PostSubject: back to 2 episodes!   back to 2 episodes! EmptyTue May 26, 2009 6:02 pm

I'm not sure how long this has been happening for (or for how long it will continue), but TNT has reverted back to airing 2 episodes of ER in the mornings.

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Number of posts : 329
Age : 40
Registration date : 2008-04-10

back to 2 episodes! Empty
PostSubject: Re: back to 2 episodes!   back to 2 episodes! EmptyTue May 26, 2009 6:10 pm

Hehe, its weird coz I'm now watching from a completely different perspective! - I guess for at least 4 years I was totally biased and looking for reela titbits, I can now appreciate the show knowing that we got our sublime ending - yayy lol

PS Update your fic - can never have enough reela loveliness ;P
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Number of posts : 1171
Age : 38
Localisation : Indiana
Registration date : 2008-10-28

back to 2 episodes! Empty
PostSubject: Re: back to 2 episodes!   back to 2 episodes! EmptyTue May 26, 2009 11:14 pm

I saw that today, i was like wtf? its back to TWO episodes? SUHWEET! S 3 is going on right now, corday shall entering, its kinda weird tho..knowing doug leaves in two seasons, susan is leaving'll be a pleasure to watch reela from start to finish...ill finally be able to watch with a good feeling..<3
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Number of posts : 1012
Registration date : 2007-06-08

back to 2 episodes! Empty
PostSubject: Re: back to 2 episodes!   back to 2 episodes! EmptyThu May 28, 2009 2:11 am

I really, really need to catch up on my ER eps!
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Number of posts : 123
Registration date : 2009-02-02

back to 2 episodes! Empty
PostSubject: Re: back to 2 episodes!   back to 2 episodes! EmptyThu May 28, 2009 5:10 am

Me too!

I feel like I've seen the older episodes more than the Reela seasons. I haven't even seen the early Abby and Kovac seasons. They sound really good.
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Number of posts : 329
Age : 40
Registration date : 2008-04-10

back to 2 episodes! Empty
PostSubject: Re: back to 2 episodes!   back to 2 episodes! EmptyThu May 28, 2009 1:24 pm

Well Jontinf as much as I hate admitting this, the whole doomed triangle involving Carter-Abby and Luka had me hooked! Lol I remember being so pissed off at Carter...

Oh and the whole Lucy death was the best - but after that it was reela all the way - to think I was still studying when I got hooked! never imagined it'd take this long lol...
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