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An effort to ensure that Ray/Neela are together at the series finale of ER
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 What's you favourite Reela quotes?????

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Number of posts : 68
Age : 36
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Registration date : 2008-11-09

What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptyMon Dec 01, 2008 1:26 pm

Here is a quote from season 12 The Gallant Hero and the tragic Victor, after Neela finds out that her husband is dead. Ray goes up to the roof of the hospital to comfort her.... OMG it's sooo sad

ER Season 12, Episode 21: the Gallant Hero and The Tragic Victor

Neela is on the roof top, Ray walks up to her)
Neela: I was just talking to him four days ago. He was complaining about the food and I was complaining about how cold Abby’s apartment is. I honestly don’t remember what else we were talking about.
Ray: I’m so sorry Neela. We all are
Neela: you know, I was probably ordering a latte or watching Celebrity Poker when he was being blown up by a bomb. Just like that, he’s gone.
Ray: Listen, if you need anything, umm or you want me to do anything
Neela: No, Ray, I don’t . I don’t need you to do anything. I just… I need to go back to work ( Ray grabs Neela’s arm)
Ray: No, Neela, look. You need to go home and take care of things. You need to take care of yourself…
Neela: You know, I don’t have a home. I don’t have a husband. I don’t have anything. All I have is this stupid hospital (Ray tries to touch Neela)
Neela: Just stay the hell away from me (Neela walks off, Ray looks on)
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Number of posts : 68
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Registration date : 2008-11-09

What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 03, 2008 9:48 am

OMG I am sooo happy!! Channel Nine in Australia is finally putting on the rest of season 13 of ER!!!! I thought I would point this out as I can finally get to see ray and neela kiss and other important scenes and include them here... So stay tuned...

Here are some quotes from seasons 12 and 13:

Season 13, Episode 10: Tell me no Secrets
I like this scene has you can tell that Neela is jealous that Ray is dating Katey.

Neela: Pratt’s right, it’s not cool to date a student
Ray: Now this is your business too
Neela: No, I’m only saying, she’s nice and everything. I mean I like her but…
Ray: But what, Neela, what?
Neela: Well, nothing, I’m concerned
(Ray laughs)
Ray: Well thank you, but I’m good, and Katey’s good in fact things are going great.
Neela: Well then, I’m happy for you
Ray: So what’s this really about?
Neela: What?
Ray Why do you care all of a sudden?
Neela: Well, we’re friends right? That’s what friends do. Talk about other people in each other’s life
Ray: oh well that’s how it is, then ok friend how’s Gates? Cause you know what I’m really not in to playing your games anymore
Neela: What are you talking about?
Ray: Do you really think that I’m gonna wait for you to find out that he’s just jerking you around?
Neela: Ray…
Ray: Neela, you made your choice. You can’t have it both ways.

Season 12: Episode Lost in America:

Although this scene doesn't have Ray in it, I wanted to include cuz it was funny and you can tell that Neela has begun to develop feelings for Ray:

(Neela and Lucien after Neela fainted during her speech at the conference)
Neela: you know, today was a complete disaster but at least I didn’t bring it on myself
Lucien: No, no, no you were a victim of a truly astounding confluence of technical problems, miscalculated pharmaceuticals and rat activists.
Neela: As crazy as that sounds, that’s totally in sync with my life at the moment.
Lucien: Well, you life sounds pretty interesting
Neela: Oh, no. I know I may appear to be this kind of wild, spontaneous girl, who plans a wedding in a day and sits here getting drunk with her Attending in a Hotel bar. But, I’m not. I’m boring, really boring. All I wanna do is hang out at home with my room mate.
Lucien: Your roommate? Dr Barnett?
Neela: Yeah, Ray.
Lucien: Well, that’s nice. It’s nice the two of you get along so well…
Neela: Yeah, we do.
Lucien: Maybe that’s what I need. You know, I was thinking of getting a dog , but a roommate is probably easier to housetrain. Are you ready for another round?
Neela: Uh, no, no. Thank you, I, uh I should get going.

Season 12: Strange Bedfellow:
Yet again this scene doesn't have Neela in it, but it's a classtic scene where Ray finds out that everybody assumed that him and Neela have slept together (although it would have been good if they did, but then again what they have is much deeper so who knows)
Morris: You get a chance to meet the Gallants?
Ray: No, I must have missed them
Morris: Yeah, probably better that way. Would’ve been weird.
Ray: Why is that?
Morris: Why do you think? Hey, to tell you the truth I don’t know how you do it, my man.
Ray: What?
Morris: Every girl I slept with won’t give me the time of day
Frank: Neither one of them? I’m shocked.
Morris: Ooh. I bet it was really freaky being at her wedding.
Ray: Dude, what are you talking about?
Morris: You know, you and Neela. The whole, uh, roommates- with-benefits thing.
Ray: You think I slept with Neela?
Morris: You didn’t?
Ray: No
Morris: Huh. Uh, I just assumed
Frank: Everybody did
Ray: Everybody did?
Morris: Pretty much. Hey, but, you know don’t sweat it. It’s just a rumour. `
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Number of posts : 1171
Age : 38
Localisation : Indiana
Registration date : 2008-10-28

What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 03, 2008 7:29 pm

So, I have a question, I'm slowly rewatching the seasons with reela in them because of course i dont have em on dvd because they arent out here yet but when do you think ray and neela realized they had feelings for each other more than friendship?
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Number of posts : 68
Age : 36
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Registration date : 2008-11-09

What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptyThu Dec 04, 2008 6:45 am

americanamuchacha020 wrote:
So, I have a question, I'm slowly rewatching the seasons with reela in them because of course i dont have em on dvd because they arent out here yet but when do you think ray and neela realized they had feelings for each other more than friendship?

Umm that's a very good question. I only hav 12 season on dvd and after watching the whole thing, I think that Ray probably worked out he had feelings in Out on a limb season 12, cuz when Neela rests her head on his shoulder he kinda looks at her, its soooo cute Very Happy With Neela I think she probably realised in Lost in America, especially with the scene at the start of the episode where Ray has no shirt on and its clearly evident during the convo with Dubenko when she mentions that she would rather be at home hanging out with her roommate. Which lead to her telling Ray later in the episode that she should move out and she says "We both know why"
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What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptyThu Dec 04, 2008 9:44 am

I think it may have been earlier for Ray and he was just fighting it (remember the conversation he had with the "suicidal" patient? - it sounded like he was talking from experience).
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Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2008-11-09

What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptyThu Dec 04, 2008 10:44 am

Kay20 wrote:
I think it may have been earlier for Ray and he was just fighting it (remember the conversation he had with the "suicidal" patient? - it sounded like he was talking from experience).

The episode with the suidical patient was in episode 18"Strange Bedfellow" which is two episodes after "Out on a limb", which is episode 16.

Sorry I just watched season 12 and the episode with the suicidal patient was episode 17 Lost in America where Neela tells Ray she is moving out

Last edited by butterfly_girl88 on Sat Dec 13, 2008 9:48 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typed in wrong episode)
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Number of posts : 68
Age : 36
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Registration date : 2008-11-09

What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptySat Dec 06, 2008 11:43 am

Here are some quotes that I collected from Season 11:

Neela: Screw your gig, medicine is not a day job!
Ray: This coming from someone who was making hot dogs three months ago.
Neela: I was off at 7, Abby was off at 7, but we were still there taking care of our patients.
Ray: Know what? We would never leave the hospital if we stuck around tucking in every patient.
Neela: I'm not talking about every patient. I'm talking about one kid. He trusted you with the most important decision of his life, and you left.

Neela slams down phone, frustrated with the apartment searching
Ray: Whew, it's ugly out there.
Neela: You usually do early shifts, right, so you can go for gigs with your band?
Ray: Well, yeah, yeah. And if you stick to your late shifts and overnights
Neela: Weeks could go by and we might never see each other?
Ray: Months, even.
Neela forces a smile
Ray: (smiling) Welcome, roomie.
Neela: God, I'm going to regret this.

Ray:I love you
to Neela for getting the shower fixed
Neela:You owe me $80 bucks

Neela: Uh, Ray. When you get home, take the back stairs. The front ones are kinda frozen.
Ray: You didn't shovel?
Neela: You're kidding, right? ... Oh, and the kitchen window, I couldn't get it to close all the way.
Ray: Meaning...?
Neela: Meaning there's snow in the kitchen. A bit of a build up, actually. So you might wanna try turning the oven on and leaving the door open.
Ray: So it'll melt?
Neela: It's just a suggestion.
Abby: She used to be my roommate.

Here are some quotes from 13.16 Crisis of Conscience:
Neela: Can I uh, get your advice on something
Ray: Uh yeah of course
Neela: Well, let's say I knew a really nice person about to do a pretty bad thing but this bad thing had really good consequences for a bunch of people
Ray: (shakes head slightly) You don't need my advice
Neela: Yes, I do
Ray: Nah, nah, because you've got like this ethical alarm system hardwired into your brain, makes you a self-righteous pain in the ass, but it's one of the best things about you
Neela: But. (puts finger up) If I tell what I know it's gonna mess things up for a whole bunch of people
Ray: They'll get over it
Neela: It'll be a major betrayal
Ray: Ah, do the right thing, Neela, that's all I'm saying

(Ray's in his coat at the admit desk entering stuff, Neela comes by ready to go in coat with purse)
Neela: Hey
Ray: Hey, how'd it go with your big secret?
Neela: Oh, terrible, actually, worse than expected, but our cheerleader did well, though
Ray: Uh yeah, the police are interviewing the whole squad as well as the coach, so
Neela: Good
Ray: Getting off soon?
Neela: Uh yeah, thank god
Ray: Me, too. wanna grab a beer?
Neela: Sounds good, but um, I've got some dictations to do
Ray: Ok, another time

(Neela walking down the street to the bar to find Ray)
(Ray gulps down last of a beer and puts money down.)
(Neela takes the seat next to him)
Neela: Leaving so soon?
Ray: Guess not (smiles at Neela and shows fingers "2" to bartender for more beer)
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What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptySat Dec 06, 2008 11:48 am

Sorry butterfly girl, what I meant by the suicidal patient was that even though it happened in episode 18 that he talked with the suicidal gentleman, it sounded like he had been struggling with the feelings for awhile - a.k.a. before episode 16. However, I have no idea how much time has passed between episodes because I have only seen clips and not the full episodes. I'm catching up right now with TNT.

That's just my two cents. Smile
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Number of posts : 68
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What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptySat Dec 06, 2008 12:09 pm

Kay20 wrote:
Sorry butterfly girl, what I meant by the suicidal patient was that even though it happened in episode 18 that he talked with the suicidal gentleman, it sounded like he had been struggling with the feelings for awhile - a.k.a. before episode 16. However, I have no idea how much time has passed between episodes because I have only seen clips and not the full episodes. I'm catching up right now with TNT.

That's just my two cents. Smile

Don't worry bout it Kay20. I have the whole of 12 season and sometimes I get confused. Thinking bout it, in the epsiode when Gallant is supposed to come home and Neela walks in wearing a really nice black dress and Ray is totally giving her the "look". OMG Ray is soo hot. I just want Ray to come back and be with Neela. It's killing me not knowing what is going to happen.
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Number of posts : 1171
Age : 38
Localisation : Indiana
Registration date : 2008-10-28

What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptySat Dec 06, 2008 6:29 pm

Okay, someone correct me, Im not sure, in strange bedfellows, is neela still married or no?
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Tiger Lily

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What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptySat Dec 06, 2008 8:38 pm

Yes, she is already married in Strange Bedfellows--Season 12, Episode 18. She got married in I Do (Season 12, Episode 9).
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Number of posts : 1171
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Localisation : Indiana
Registration date : 2008-10-28

What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptySat Dec 06, 2008 8:42 pm

Tiger Lily wrote:
Yes, she is already married in Strange Bedfellows--Season 12, Episode 18. She got married in I Do (Season 12, Episode 9).

Ahh thanks, explains why she wouldnt go for ray yet but who cares, get reela going, hehe lol!

I wonder, they're bringing back alot of old characters and some are still yet to be known, do you think they'd bring back michael as a flashblack for a small storyline, perhaps a dream to push neela in the right direction? I think that'd be cool! scratch
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Number of posts : 68
Age : 36
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Registration date : 2008-11-09

What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 07, 2008 11:56 am

americanamuchacha020 wrote:
Tiger Lily wrote:
Yes, she is already married in Strange Bedfellows--Season 12, Episode 18. She got married in I Do (Season 12, Episode 9).

Ahh thanks, explains why she wouldnt go for ray yet but who cares, get reela going, hehe lol!

I wonder, they're bringing back alot of old characters and some are still yet to be known, do you think they'd bring back michael as a flashblack for a small storyline, perhaps a dream to push neela in the right direction? I think that'd be cool! scratch

Yeah I think that that would be a good idea. Also I wonder if Neela as listened to the song that Ray wrote bout her that he gave her in Season 13 "I Don't" I think it would be cool if she finally played the song that he wrote for her, then decide that she was going to go to Baton Rouge to tell him that she loves him.
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Number of posts : 68
Age : 36
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Registration date : 2008-11-09

What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptyFri Dec 12, 2008 10:44 am

This reela conversation isnt very long but I still think its pretty cute Very Happy It's from season 13 episode 15 Dying is Easy

Season 13 Episode Dying is Easy

(To Ray at Admin Desk)

Neela: Umm I’m gonna go grab a coffee, do you want anything?
Ray: I’ll tag along
(Outside, walking back from getting a coffee)
Neela: Four O.Rs, four patients, four kidneys. All being worked on at the same time. It worked like clockwork. We were just fine tuning machines. I mean this morning two people were wasting away, waiting for a kidney they thought would never come. Now, they’re upstairs with their donors, eating jello, done with dialysis forever. Isn’t that amazing?
Ray: It’s pretty cool.
Neela: You know that’s what it’s all about. It’s why I became a surgeon…
(they get interrupted by Luka who needs Ray’s help)

I love later on in this episode when Neela is walking from Gate's apartment, then they show Ray looking at Neela's picture and smile *sigh*
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What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptySat Dec 13, 2008 10:21 am

Here are the lyrics from the song that is played at the end of the episode Dying is Easy (where Ray looks at the picture of him and Neela etc): some of the lyrics really reminded me of Reela.

Skipping Stone by Amos Lee:

I don't know if I can do this alone
Oh after all our sweet love is flown
I've been a running
I've been skipping like a stone
And I don't know if I
I can do this all alone

When I met her she was standing by a door
I ain't never seen a light like that before
Now she's left me for something more sure
And I don't know if I
I can do this anymore

'Cause lovers will come, lovers will go
This rare seed are from which true love might grow
If you see her, won't you please say hello
'Cause I don't know if I can do this alone
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Number of posts : 68
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Registration date : 2008-11-09

What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptyMon Dec 15, 2008 5:42 am

Here are some more quotes from Season 15 episode Haunted. I was feeling very flat due to no spoilers on when Ray is coming back so I started to watch Reela moments from this episode(which i think may be my favourite episode of reela). Thanks to Reela1986 whose video I used to copy the quotes from youtube. cheers

(Ray and Neela are walking Simon interrupts and flirts with Neela in front of Ray)
Ray: Hi, I’m Ray Barnett
Neela: Oh, sorry. This is Simon Brenner, new Attending. This is uh, Ray use to work here.
Simon: Uh, so you’re been lucky enough to work with the brilliant Dr Rasgotra?
Ray: I’ve had that privilege yes.
Simon: so where are you practicing now?
Ray: Baton Rouge
Simon: Baton Rouge? I hear it’s nice
(Awkward pause)
Simon: Ok, Neela. I will catch you later. Ray, great to meet you.
Ray: right back at you
Ray: Listen if you need to go to cases…
Neela: No, I don’t I , but I’ve got some work to finish off so It won’t take long.
Ray: Alright, I’ll come with you
(they walk into the elevator)
Ray: So that Brenner guy
Neela: ah uh,
Ray: kinda seems like a dick

Later on

Ray: I hope my surprise visit isn’t wrecking any of your big plans tonight?
Neela: If you consider working out and laundry as big plans…
Neela: I’m done in about 20 minutes, we can sit, have some coffee
Ray: No, let’s work out
Neela: Really?
Ray: Yeah, it would be good after traveling all day
(Neela pager beeps)
Ray: Find me when you’re done
(Neela walks over to a patient’s gurney)
Neela: Wait, w3ait, you haven’t got a good seal
(Ray stares at Neela and smiles)
Neela: What? What are you smiling at?
Ray: (smiles) Nothing

(Outside at the car boot)
Ray: Ok, how does to the Zoo and back sound?
Neela: Sounds good, but its about 4 miles.
(Ray puts on his special prosthetics)
Ray: Well , these babies can take it. Afraid you can’t
Neela: Ok. Last one there buys dinner
Ray: Better get your wallet out. You ready?
(Ray and Neela running)
Ray: Alright, you ready, ready?
(Ray begins to run faster, passing Neela. Neela looks on smiles then starts to run faster)

(At Neela’s apartment)
Neela: Do you want some more Orange Beef?
Ray: umm, no. Any more of that and I won’t be able to fit through the door
Neela: Well, then, I guess you’ll have to stay here and never leave
Ray: ha, well don’t tempt me
Neela: Actually it would be nice. It gets lonely around here sometimes.
Ray: Yeah, I know what that like.
Neela: But you have your mum near by?
Ray: umm, She’s great. But a lot of the time she doesn’t get it. She can’t understand that I don’t want her help.
Neela: Must be frustrating?
Ray: Yeah, I just think deep down she’s worried that I might… I kinda freaked her out at one point so
Neela: when?
Ray: It was a long time ago, it was a bad time
Neela: What happened?
Ray: It was at the hospital, after the accident. I tried to hurt myself. I tried to kill myself. Vicodin.
Neela: I wish I had known. I would have tried to help.
Ray: No, no it was something that I had to go through on my own and I feel pretty strong now having overcome all that.
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Number of posts : 68
Age : 36
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Registration date : 2008-11-09

What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptyTue Dec 16, 2008 12:33 pm

Here are some small quotes from season 11 and 12. I'm running out of quotes, so Ray has to come back so I can add some more. lol!

Season 11 (not sure what episodes they are from lol)
Neela Rasgotra: [after Ray begs her to allow his roommate to stay] Fine, but you're cleaning the bathroom this week... with actual cleaning products.

Neela Rasgotra: What does R.W stand for?
Abby Lockhart: Really whiney?
Dr. Ray Barnett: Refusal to walk.
Neela Rasgotra: Refusal to walk has its own abbreviation.

Season 12 Episode 7 The Human Shield:

Dr. Neela Rasgotra: How much trouble do you think we'll get in for not showing up?
Dr. Ray Barnett: Well, I'm not working until Saturday, so hopefully things will blown over by then.
Dr. Neela Rasgotra: Are you kidding me? I'm working tomorrow. That's great, Ray, now I'll get punished for the both of us
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Registration date : 2008-11-09

What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptyFri Dec 26, 2008 6:10 am

Here is a deleted scene from season 12 episode If Not Now.

Ray is at the admin desk, (ironically, looking at a christmas snowglobe) Neela walks up:

Neela: What's wrong with you?
Ray: I have no life
Neela: You have a life in California, which by America standards at least, is the best kind of life
Ray: No. No, I don't. You remember how I quit my job to go on the road trip with the band?
Neela: Abold, but foolish move, yes.
Ray: Yeah, Yeah, the band kicked me out.
Neela: They did?
Ray: you know how Lewis said I should take my job more seriously. Well, evidently the band thought so too, so
Neela: Wow. You really don't have a life. Maybe you should go and talk to Weaver and see if you can get your job back.
Ray: Yeah, that's not a bad idea
(Ray walks towards Weaver,
Weaver: Hey Abel, I have been waiting here an hour, so get me a wheelchair now so I can get the hell out of here.
Ray (to Neela): I'll try her tomorrow
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What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptyFri Dec 26, 2008 6:44 am

Here are some small quotes from Season 12 the christmas episode:

Kovac is offering one resident to go home for christmas with pay
Morris: Well, I did the manual disimpaction
Ray: I did a pelvic on a 300 pounder
Neela: I debrided maggots out of a diabetic ulcer, you wankers.
Luka: Okay, Rock, paper, scissors. Neela and Morris you first
(Neela wins)
Morris: No, no this is sheet metal
Luka: Morris, you're out. Pratt.
(neela wins again)
Luka: Ray...
Ray: all right (neela wins)
Ray walks off and says "You suck"
Neela: Thank you, thank you and thank you. Micheal and I are going to Jamaica and I have tons of packing to do.
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Number of posts : 68
Age : 36
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Registration date : 2008-11-09

What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptyFri Jan 09, 2009 9:56 am

Here are some quotes from 15. 11 Separation Anxiety.

Neela's patient has fixed Neela's phone

Ana: Oh and I fixed your phone
Neela: Oh, thank you
Ana: I download some ringtimes, a couple of games and also some call pond thing
Neela: Call pond, great
Ana: And you also got some text from someone named Ray (shows the picture of Ray to Neela) and girl, he is cute
Neela: Ray? What?
Ana: I had him send a picture. Don't worry I told him it was for whenever he phone it would show up. I'm sorry, I hope your not mad. I couldn't resist.
Neela: What exactly did you text him?
Ana: I told him, I mean, you were thinking of him too.
Neela: So he was thinking about me.

Later on...
Ana: I put some more stuff for your phone
Neela: thanks
Ana: and you got another text...
Neela: from Ray?
Ana: Some other guy named Simon Brenner from Australia and girl he's cute too.
Neela: I thought we agreed no more texts.
Ana: We agreed no more texts to Ray. So... does he have an accent? (Neela closes the picture of brenner) I knew it.. I love accents.Your a total player huh?

Last edited by butterfly_girl88 on Sat Jan 10, 2009 8:22 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : missing letters)
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What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptyFri Jan 09, 2009 7:09 pm

That scene really showed how neela felt, i just replayed that scene and she does look like shes trying really hard not to smile, brenner who? haha Laughing
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What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 19, 2009 9:41 am

Here are some quotes from the latest episode from "Dream Runner"(although Ray isnt in it, I still think its pretty funny what neela says to ray on the phone)

Neela (voice over): The toughest thing about being a doctor isn't the terrible hours, isn't the loneliness, the isolation or the knowledge that one day we all lose out to the relentless decay of the human body. No, its something else (Neela phone rings- its Ray)
Neela: Ray, it’s 5am…(Neela’s beeper goes off) Yes I know but sometimes we actually get to sleep on call.. good it should be I have this stupid interview later today…No, I didn’t forget Happy Birthday…Of course I was going to call it’s 5am man give me a chance… (Neels beeper goes off again) It’s my intern I better run, so I’ll call you later ok
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Number of posts : 645
Registration date : 2009-01-18

What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptyWed Jan 21, 2009 1:27 am

Well all the best ones were already posted but here's one that I like too that I didn't see. It's bittersweet but I really like what Ray says to Neela.....

Strange Bedfellows

Ray: Yo Neela!
Neela: I'm in here!
Ray: I brought you a peace offering, extra anchovies and I promise no more dirty dishes okay?
Neela: Um I'm going to stay at Abby's for a while. She's at Luka's most of the time so...
Ray: So what, you're moving out like, tonight?
Neela: I'll get to the post office when I can, get my mail forwarded.
Ray: Don't you want to at least wait until you find a new place?
Neela: I don't think that's such a good idea.
Ray: Yeah, you're probably right. Hey.....all good things, right? Sure had a lot of fun though. Well, maybe the next guy won't drink all my tequila. You need a hand with anything?
Neela: No, thanks.
Ray: Some pizza?
Neela: I better get going.
Ray: Okay. (Neela hands Ray his T-shirt) You know, I've been looking for this for like a month.
Neela: I rather like sleeping in it. (Ray starts to lean in for a kiss) I'll get the rest tomorrow.

(Neela puts her bags in the cab when Ray comes out)
Ray: Neela! Will you just give me one second, please? I wish I didn't.....feel how I feel, but're the best friend I've ever had.
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What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptyWed Jan 21, 2009 12:34 pm

babyblue wrote:
Well all the best ones were already posted but here's one that I like too that I didn't see. It's bittersweet but I really like what Ray says to Neela.....

Strange Bedfellows

Ray: Yo Neela!
Neela: I'm in here!
Ray: I brought you a peace offering, extra anchovies and I promise no more dirty dishes okay?
Neela: Um I'm going to stay at Abby's for a while. She's at Luka's most of the time so...
Ray: So what, you're moving out like, tonight?
Neela: I'll get to the post office when I can, get my mail forwarded.
Ray: Don't you want to at least wait until you find a new place?
Neela: I don't think that's such a good idea.
Ray: Yeah, you're probably right. Hey.....all good things, right? Sure had a lot of fun though. Well, maybe the next guy won't drink all my tequila. You need a hand with anything?
Neela: No, thanks.
Ray: Some pizza?
Neela: I better get going.
Ray: Okay. (Neela hands Ray his T-shirt) You know, I've been looking for this for like a month.
Neela: I rather like sleeping in it. (Ray starts to lean in for a kiss) I'll get the rest tomorrow.

(Neela puts her bags in the cab when Ray comes out)
Ray: Neela! Will you just give me one second, please? I wish I didn't.....feel how I feel, but're the best friend I've ever had.

Hey baby blue. yeah i like this quote too, but i think i did already post it but i still love watching this scene over and over again. Very Happy
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Number of posts : 645
Registration date : 2009-01-18

What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's you favourite Reela quotes?????   What's you favourite Reela quotes????? - Page 2 EmptyThu Jan 22, 2009 10:20 am

butterfly_girl88 wrote:
babyblue wrote:
Well all the best ones were already posted but here's one that I like too that I didn't see. It's bittersweet but I really like what Ray says to Neela.....

Strange Bedfellows

Ray: Yo Neela!
Neela: I'm in here!
Ray: I brought you a peace offering, extra anchovies and I promise no more dirty dishes okay?
Neela: Um I'm going to stay at Abby's for a while. She's at Luka's most of the time so...
Ray: So what, you're moving out like, tonight?
Neela: I'll get to the post office when I can, get my mail forwarded.
Ray: Don't you want to at least wait until you find a new place?
Neela: I don't think that's such a good idea.
Ray: Yeah, you're probably right. Hey.....all good things, right? Sure had a lot of fun though. Well, maybe the next guy won't drink all my tequila. You need a hand with anything?
Neela: No, thanks.
Ray: Some pizza?
Neela: I better get going.
Ray: Okay. (Neela hands Ray his T-shirt) You know, I've been looking for this for like a month.
Neela: I rather like sleeping in it. (Ray starts to lean in for a kiss) I'll get the rest tomorrow.

(Neela puts her bags in the cab when Ray comes out)
Ray: Neela! Will you just give me one second, please? I wish I didn't.....feel how I feel, but're the best friend I've ever had.

Hey baby blue. yeah i like this quote too, but i think i did already post it but i still love watching this scene over and over again. Very Happy

Oh yeah you're right sorry about that. I saw so many quotes that I forgot lol oops. I like that scene too but there's other scenes I like better I have to admit.
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